Saturday, August 8, 2009

Final Statement

The play, Fences, is part of series of other plays called the Pittsburgh Cycle which were also written by August Wilson. Each play depicts and takes place during a decade within the 20th century in a neighborhood called Hill district (located in Pittsburgh). It turns out Wilson was a native to the Hill district which most likely means his depictions could be accurate. Research of the Hill district should be taken into account and will definitely influence the play and the characters within the play. Fences takes place during the decade of the 1950s. Many events took place during this time which will effect the world that the characters live in. During this time, civil rights movement took place and leaders like Martin Luther King started to speak out against the racial discrimination and second citizen treatment. African Americans felt the need to prove that they deserved to be part of this world as much as anyone else. During this decade, the major league baseball accepted African Americans into the league. Some came from the negro league team in Hill district. There were even black men like TROY, who sought out the dream and goal of becoming a professional baseball player only to have those dreams dashed to bits by racism. Fences shows the result and effects of racism and discrimination.

Making August Wilson’s Fences into a play requires many factors to take into account. One of them is the casting of the characters for this production. The script focus on the struggles of African Americans and how they cope with their struggles. Therefore, non traditional casting is unacceptable. Fences is a play about race and specifically about blacks and how their treatment out in the white American world affects them mentally, spiritually, emotionally and domestically. Casting non race specific would ruin the message the play is trying to send out. Casting characters with physical disabilities wouldn’t take away from the play. One question will the audience be able to see pass the physical disabilities and depending on the disability will the blocking be changed. What choices will the director make that will overcome the obstacles that an actor with a physical disability would experience. Another issue is casting actors for Troy, Gabriel and Rose. Are the actors required to have a singing background or will a voice coach be needed? Finally, will age be an issue when the director cast Raynell. Will the director use a child actress to portray Raynell or an older actress? Lorraine Hansberry Theatre Company's production of Fences address the issue of casting Raynell's character using an actual girl or an older woman portraying a girl. This theatre company decided to use seven year old, Sarah Jordan to play the part of Raynell. Another thing that could be linked to casting is August Wilson’s black director only policy. If the show is not directed by an African American, would the production lack something that only an African American director could bring to the production? Geva Theatre had to ask for special permission from August Wilson's widow for their white director, Mark Cuddy to direct the show. There is a possibility that the non-black director will have to ask for permission.

The script poses some problems that directors and designers have to collaborate together to solve. One of the problems is the over all layout of the set. There are scenes that take place on porch of the house, in the yard of the house and in the alley next the house. Since the house is the main focus of the play, how will the house be positioned on stage and how much space will the house take up? How will the set affect the blocking and will it be too cluttered? If the director wanted to remain consistent with the time period that the play takes place, the design of the house has to be accurate as well. The designers can’t just design any kind of house. Fences takes place in the Hill district which is predominantly African American and possible lower income homes. The house designs in northern united states contrast greatly with the houses of the southern united states. These are things to consider during the production of this play.

Educator's Packet

Basic Facts

Fences is a drama written by August Wilson from a series of other plays called the Pittsburgh Cycle. Each play within the series depicts a decade in the 20th century of African American neighborhood called the Hill District in Pittsburgh. Fences represents the decade of the 1950s. The play is two act with a cast consisting of five males and two females. The running time of the play is approximately two hours and 40 minutes.

Plot summary

The play begins with TROY and BONO, talking about work and the unequal treatment of black and white workers. TROY is a hard working man who has endured through many struggles in life from abuse from his father to incarceration to discrimination and racism. TROY has a loving and devoted wife, ROSE and a high school age son, CORY. TROY takes it as his responsibility to provide for them with the income of a garbage man. In addition, he provides for his war wounded brother Gabriel, who believes he is an angel, and is brother from a previous marriage, LYONS. Each of these characters need something from TROY. His son, CORY, wants to pursue a career in football but TROY refuses support him. Having these constant responsibilities and struggles doesn’t leave room for himself which results in him finding his ‘escape’ in an affair with another woman. His actions leaves the woman with child and him a father. He tells ROSE, who is not only hurt and angry, refuses to have anything to do with him. The other woman dies in child birth and TROY ask ROSE to take care of his child, RAYNELL. She accepts the child but renounces her duties as being ‘his woman’. Seven years pass and every gathers together for TROY funeral. Family deal with the unresolved issues they have with TROY and eventually have to let go of the past and move forward.

August Wilson is an American playwright. His literary legacy is the ten play series, The Pittsburgh Cycle, for which he received two Pulitzer Prizes for Drama. Each is set in a different decade, depicting the comic and tragic aspects of the African-American experience in the twentieth century

Production History

Pasadena Playhouse Pasadena, California September 2006-October 2006

“Time has enhanced the luster of "Fences." Dozens of dysfunctional-family dramas have come and gone since its 1987 Pulitzer win, but August Wilson's tragedy of a working man at war with his family and his own identity circa 1957 stands apart thanks to its distinctive lyricism and theatricality and its unforgettable central character”

Geva Theatre Rochester, New York May 2009-June 2009

“…one of the most engaging productions I've seen on the Geva stage.”

Penumbra Theatre Company Saint Paul, Minnesota August 2008-September 2008

“Wilson’s words have power and motion and a driving force that makes Fences a real thrill to watch in action.”

Angus Bowmer Theatre Ashland, Oregon Febuary 2008-July 2008

“August Wilson's magnificent "Fences" reminds us where we've been, how far we've come and the limitless possibilities of where we can go.”

Lorraine Hansberry Theatre San Francisco, California March 2008 - April 2008
“…most commercially successful play in the cycle”

Things to do and Think About

1. When building and designing the set, what was the greatest challenge for the designers?
2. (For the director) Did you want the audience to be sympathetic toward Troy? Why?
3. Which character was the most difficult to portray through directorial choices ?
4. What reasoning led you to have Gabriel portrayed in that way directorially?
5. Have you directed this play before and if you have what changes have you made to the production?

Additional References

Homepage for August Wilson

This website has a archive of primary document by August Wilson and would be helpful to understand the works and ideas of Wilson from previous works he has done.

The Hill District History

This website is an Q&A setup of frequently asked questions of the Hill District. The setting of Fences is in the Hill District of Pittsburgh, PA and this website would help understand the world of the play.

Negro League Players

This website gives a list of famous negro baseball players and their information. The play makes a lot of references to players within the Negro League of that time and Troy used to play in the Negro Leagues.

Civil Rights Timeline

This website gives a timeline of significant invents during civil rights. The time that the play is set is during civil rights era.

Web English Teacher

A study guide and informing website for teachers who want to experience Fences in an education setup.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Educator's Packet

Educator’s Packet

Basic Facts

Fences is a drama written by August Wilson from a series of other plays called the Pittsburgh Cycle. Each play within the series depicts a decade in the 20th century of African American neighborhood called the Hill District in Pittsburgh. Fences represents the decade of the 1950s. The play is two act with a cast consisting of five males and two females. The running time of the play is approximately two hours and 40 minutes.

Plot summaryThe play begins with TROY and BONO, talking about work and the unequal treatment of black and white workers. TROY is a hard working man who has endured through many struggles in life from abuse from his father to incarceration to discrimination and racism. TROY has a loving and devoted wife, ROSE and a high school age son, CORY. TROY takes it as his responsibility to provide for them with the income of a garbage man. In addition, he provides for his war wounded brother Gabriel, who believes he is an angel, and is brother from a previous marriage, LYONS. Each of these characters need something from TROY. His son, CORY, wants to pursue a career in football but TROY refuses support him. Having these constant responsibilities and struggles doesn’t leave room for himself which results in him finding his ‘escape’ in an affair with another woman. His actions leaves the woman with child and him a father. He tells ROSE, who is not only hurt and angry, refuses to have anything to do with him. The other woman dies in child birth and TROY ask ROSE to take care of his child, RAYNELL. She accepts the child but renounces her duties as being ‘his woman’. Seven years pass and every gathers together for TROY funeral. Family deal with the unresolved issues they have with TROY and eventually have to let go of the past and move forward.

PlaywrightAugust Wilson is an American playwright. His literary legacy is the ten play series, The Pittsburgh Cycle, for which he received two Pulitzer Prizes for Drama. Each is set in a different decade, depicting the comic and tragic aspects of the African-American experience in the twentieth century

Production History

Pasadena Playhouse Pasadena, California September 2006-October 2006

“Time has enhanced the luster of "Fences." Dozens of dysfunctional-family dramas have come and gone since its 1987 Pulitzer win, but August Wilson's tragedy of a working man at war with his family and his own identity circa 1957 stands apart thanks to its distinctive lyricism and theatricality and its unforgettable central character”

Geva Theatre Rochester, New York May 2009-June 2009

“…one of the most engaging productions I've seen on the Geva stage.”

Penumbra Theatre Company Saint Paul, Minnesota August 2008-September 2008

“Wilson’s words have power and motion and a driving force that makes Fences a real thrill to watch in action.”

Angus Bowmer Theatre Ashland, Oregon Febuary 2008-July 2008

“August Wilson's magnificent "Fences" reminds us where we've been, how far we've come and the limitless possibilities of where we can go.”

Lorraine Hansberry Theatre San Francisco, California March 2008 - April 2008
“…most commercially successful play in the cycle”

Things to do and Think About

1. When building and designing the set, what was the greatest challenge for the designers?
2. (For the director) Did you want the audience to be sympathetic toward Troy? Why?
3. Which character was the most difficult to portray through directorial choices ?
4. What reasoning led you to have Gabriel portrayed in that way directorially?
5. Have you directed this play before and if you have what changes have you made to the production?

Additional References

Homepage for August Wilson

This website has a archive of primary document by August Wilson and would be helpful to understand the works and ideas of Wilson from previous works he has done.

The Hill District History

This website is an Q&A setup of frequently asked questions of the Hill District. The setting of Fences is in the Hill District of Pittsburgh, PA and this website would help understand the world of the play.

Negro League Players

This website gives a list of famous negro baseball players and their information. The play makes a lot of references to players within the Negro League of that time and Troy used to play in the Negro Leagues.

Civil Rights Timeline

This website gives a timeline of significant invents during civil rights. The time that the play is set is during civil rights era.

Web English Teacher

A study guide and informing website for teachers who want to experience Fences in an education setup.